Let’s Materialize Your Space


Customers say

  • What a brilliant idea!

    I like the wine glass holder. I didn't think I'll need one.
    — Or R.

  • Exciting metal finish

    I find the shade of metal etching to be a delightful departure. It's a luxurious black that adds an extra touch of elegance.

    — Martha T.

  • Exactly what I needed

    Love the option for a long continuous shelf. It's hard to find one that's also a design item.
    — Jasmin B.


Purpose and Details

  • Exploring Material Perception

    Are you familiar with the idea of "Seeing through touch"? Our imagination leads the way, enhancing and complementing our senses. The objective is to evoke a sense of touch, emphasizing the transformative power of natural materials on our emotions.

  • Embracing Artistry and randomness

    Throughout the design journey, we embrace unpredictable elements to infuse our products with a touch of randomness. This could manifest as an unconventional form in a conceptual sketch, disrupting symmetry, or opting for metal etching instead of traditional paint coating.


Ah Ha! Insights